4 Effective Things You Can Do to Improve Your Sleep

What do you do when you can’t sleep? Should you stay up all night if you can’t sleep? Let’s agree; sleep is essential for ensuring that you are in your best mental and physical health. A poor night of sleep can mean that you are more likely to experience aches and pains during the day and get frustrated easier, lose energy faster, and even fall asleep or lose focus at the most inopportune times! However, falling and staying asleep can be difficult to achieve on some nights. With all the stressors of your day, how can you make it easier to wind down and get restful sleep? It’s easier than you think.

There are four effective ways that can help improve your sleep.

4 Simple Tips to Improve Your Sleep

1. Try Melatonin

Melatonin can be a powerful aid for those who may want a little extra help achieving that deep REM state. Taking melatonin gummy bears for sleep right before bed can mean falling asleep faster, easier, and deeper. It can allow you to snooze restfully through the night, all just because of a before-bed supplement.

Add it to your nightly routine before bed to enrich your night’s rest.

2. Try Taking a Warm Bath

While you may prefer to wake and refresh with a morning shower, a warm bath at night can help you wind down and improve your sleep. The warm water will encourage your muscles to relax and ease inflammation, and the steam and moisture can be great for your skin and respiratory system.

tips to improve sleep
This soothing effect of Epsom salts ultimately leads to a sense of zen, which can then translate into a good night’s sleep. Additionally, studies have shown that increasing our body temperature before bed can help us fall asleep faster and deeper.

Take the time to ease into sleep with a relaxing bath, adding some Epsom salt, and you might start feeling sleepy before you even get out of the tub!

3. Try Meditation and/or Journaling

Sometimes what you need before bed is to reflect and make sense of the day behind you. Other nights, what you may need for a restful night is a bit of mindfulness to bring you to the present moment and keep you from reliving the stressors of the day. Meditation and journaling encourage you to channel your excess energy into streamlined, focused observations.

Take a moment to recall and remember the things from your day that you appreciate, the things that stressed you out, and more, and give yourself time to observe each of these things. Observe the way they made you feel and how you feel now that you are going forward. This lets your mind rest unburdened and can add to deeper, more sound rest.

Be sure not to dwell on anything too long; just use this as a tool to organize some of your stresses and excitements from the day behind you. You may feel that by thinking everything slowly and writing down key points, you’re less likely to have racing thoughts as you rest your head on the pillow.

4. Transition Away From Screens

Studies have shown that staring at bright screens before bed can damage your sleep. As you settle in and get ready to go to bed, set a time that your tech turns off. If you need some noise in the background, switch from TV and movies to podcasts or music.

An alternative to this is to use light filters on your phone or set dimmer settings.

The Bottom Line

Your nightly routine doesn’t need to be anything fancy. You don’t need to spend your money on an expensive new mattress or fancy gadgets to help. There are plenty of small things that you can add to your evening routine before you head to bed that can increase restfulness.

Try out some of these expert tips like limiting screen time, meditating, taking a warm shower, and avoiding screens to see how they work for you.

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