
HavingTime for better living in the ever-changing world 

10+ years ago, Havingtime took its origin from a microblog on Twitter where we shared quotes and insightful outtakes from the books we’d come across – havingtime then started growing into something more significant; it turned into a worldwide movement, and the rest is history.

HavingTime creates a safe space for people to share their stories. When we are going through hardship, it can be hard to feel like we’re not alone. Our purpose is to share personal stories to counter this feeling of isolation and create a beautiful community of sharing and connectedness.

Our purpose is to share personal stories to counter this feeling of isolation and create a fantastic community of sharing and connectedness.

HavingTime has been incredibly lucky to host 500+ authors, self-development experts, and highly successful entrepreneurs from all over the globe and from every walk of life; in July 2018, HavingTime was permanently featured on Apple News reaching an ever wider audience as a result.

Advertising With Havingtime

Havingtime has 650000+ monthly pageviews, and a massive social media following on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram pages, and those numbers continue to grow as we speak.

We launched our website in March 2009, and it soon has grown into one of the most popular storytelling destinations on the Internet.


Want to reach an incredible audience of havingtimers who are interested in and committed to leading happier, healthier. More mindful lives, reach out to us directly to feature your brand on We are currently featuring ads in three spots on the site with CPM pricing and rates starting at 250 USD.

Sponsored Content

With a sponsored content/blog post, you’ll reach our email subscribers, and your post will be shared across all of Havingtime’s social media channels more than once. It will also live indefinitely on the site, having a permanent backlink, which will help your website rank higher with search engines.

Instagram / Facebook Posts

If you wish to grow your Instagram/Facebook page, you may benefit from a daily post shared from the Havingtime’s page. Instagram/Facebook posts must be in line with the Havingtime’s core values and be professionally created/designed.

For more information and our media kit, please do get in touch via email: hello [@]