“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” – Unknown
If you are “obsessing” over Instagram pictures and social media little too much, that is an indicator that you are actually lacking fun, adventure, travel, excitement, joy, beauty in our own life. Your soul and heart desires that you live an Instagram kind of life: travel more, pursue your own dreams, experience more fun, joy, adventures…
You also can create beautiful, happy, successful, fulfilled life for yourself which you’ll love, just like those Instagram bloggers and influencers that you are following. You only need to decide that you will not settle for mediocre life and that you will go after your dreams, commit to work hard and follow the right strategy to do it.
How to Create a Beautiful and Exciting Life
If somebody has told me five years ago that I will be a life coach, writing articles for The Huffington Post, COSMOPOLITAN, Tiny Buddha and other international publications, working on my laptop, under the shades of palm trees or in my favourite cafe spot with WI-FI connection, and traveling around the globe (India, Dubai, Europe…) I would be mind blown! Things I am living and experiencing today were beyond my wildest dreams.
I’ve learned so far that dreams do come true, sometimes beyond our wildest dreams and it has less to do with luck as it has to do with the right mindset, willingness to work hard to make our dreams happen, and having the right strategy for achieving what we’ve been dreaming off.
Here are the steps you need to take to create a beautiful and exciting life like on Instagram:
Convert Your Dreams Into Life Goals
To create a beautiful and exciting life for yourself you need to, first of all, be clear on what kind of life you want to live. What your dream life would look like? What your perfect working day would like? How do you want to feel? Which places would you want to visit? What kind of things would you want to experience?
Dare to dream big! Envision your dream life, journal about it, write down all the things you want to experience, create an exciting vision board for your dream life.
Once you get the clarity on how your dream life would look like, you need to convert your dreams into your life goals. You need to commit that you will work on your dreams to make them happen and that you will live the life you’ve been dreaming off.
Dare to dream big because you do have what it takes to make your dreams come true. We always intuitively want and desire things that resonate with our unique talents, skills, personality. So, if you are dreaming of a certain thing, profession or a type of romantic partner, you do resonate with that thing on a very deep level of your soul, mind, and personality, know that you do have al that you need to make it happen!

Start Working on Your Life Goals
If you do not take action steps to make your dreams happen, your dream will remain only that: a dream! All you need is a willpower to do whatever it takes to live your dream life and a good strategy and plan. If you feel stuck and you do not see a way or a solution to live your dreams, you can work with a life coach who will help you to create an action plan and get the clarity, guidance, strategy and tools to make your dreams a reality. You do not need to figure all the things out by yourself!
No Putting Your Life on Hold Anymore
People who are living their dream are not just “lucky” although in order to justify our own lack of motivation and determination to work on our dreams and goals we often say or think that. Those people whose pictures you are liking on Instagram feed, who are traveling the world, living the laptop lifestyle, blogging, coaching, writing, doing what they love, wearing beautiful bags and shoes, visiting beautiful places… are not just lucky.
Luck follows those who are brave and who work hard to make their dream come true! Luck has to do with the courage to invest your money and time into living your dream. Luck has to do with taking that leap of faith and taking the risk. Luck has to do with hustle, grind and hard work, dedication, patience, determination, desire to make an impact in the world, to inspire and serve others, to achieve something big. Luck has to do with the decision not to settle for mediocre lifeboat instead to create an extraordinary life you will love.

That leap of faith can be investing your time or money in the project that you believe, investing money to work with a life coach, signing up for that training which will help you to do your dream job, creating that website or writing that book, starting your own business…
You will not have the guarantee that you will succeed and it can be scary because you will have to take a risk. You will need to invest money. You will need to invest your time. You will need to hustle, grind and work hard. But if you do not take that leap of faith, if you do not try, there is only one guarantee: you will not even create a chance for yourself to live your dream life!
You do not need to know all the answers, how, when or which way it is going to happen but you do need to take that first step. You may be just one brave decision away from getting “lucky” and living the life of your dreams.
Do not waste your time just on liking other people’s stunning pictures on Instagram, but instead work on creating an Instagram kind of life for yourself.