Havingtimers, Welcome! Thank’s For Joining The Family!

By Lesya Li  Havingtimers, Welcome! Thank's For Joining The Family!

Havingtimers, Welcome! Thank’s For Joining The Family!

Havingtimers, our amazing guys, and girls, thank you ALL so much for joining this global havingtime family! We cannot thank you enough for sharing your incredible stories, and challenges, and inspiration learning from each other, keeping each other stronger and supported in this ever changing world where happiness often can take a back seat to the breakneck speed of our everyday lives.

A big number of you knows and remembers how havingtime started. But let me remind the newcomers, that it started off as a microblog on Twitter, a social media platform I am particularly *bonkers* about. Why? Can’t quite put it into words… but let me try my best… Well, some of my the most important connections were made there online and then offline in real, tangible life… Heck, my best friend (that also happens to be my a$$ kicker and my soulmate, and the most incredible mentor anyone could wish for…) reached out to me a few years ago through Twitter, and then it spins off in a lifelong friendship. I could go on and on about this story forever, but will share about this in full in the next posts to come, I promise.

Where was I? As I said, lots of meaningful connections were made there on Twitter, and I used it as a tool for establishing connections, something I was always passionate about, and am using it in the present moment. More on that I promise to share later.

From zero to 70K followers & friends on Twitter! Thank you ALL for joining the conversation

That’s how we started sharing quotes on Twitter about eight years ago, and then it caught on and spread out like a wildfire, and more people started following and resharing those quotes and ideas. I also remember staying awake till silly o’clock in the morning, having the most amazing conversations with complete strangers from all over the world. It’s such an amazing experience, such a great honor too – establishing new,

It’s such an amazing experience, such a great honor too – establishing new, meaningful connections.

“If a story is in you, it has to come out.”― William Faulkner

No matter how many years would go by, how many times havingtime would change, and we know, that it would evolve over the years to come, but something would always STAY the same – havingtime is a safe and welcoming place where we come together to share our stories, to help each other heal and move on, getting stronger, one day at a time.

The havingtime family is growing fast, and we are so happy you are now a part of it too! Thank you for being with us on this exciting journey!

Thank you for joining the conversations on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, and Google+; Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas in the comments, letting others know what you think. Each voice and opinion matters to us, so thank you all so much for sharing and spreading the message!

We ❤ YOU

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