How to Clean Up & Keep the Oceans Free From Plastic

Does plastic ever go away disappearing in thin air, or, shall we ask, does plastic vanish in the ocean over time? Global plastic pollution crisis is now at its highest since records began; sadly, plastic waste can now be found on every beach in the world, whether that is your local beach or a distant tropical island. Alarmingly, the amount of single-use plastic in the ocean is set to increase tenfold by 2020. Moreover, current estimates show that at least 8 million pieces of plastic end up in our oceans every single day! We are drowning in it, so let’s put our heads together and figure out how to clean up the mess and keep our oceans free from plastic; we need to act fast.

How to Clean Up & Keep the Oceans Free From Plastic

We Used to Depend on Plastic; Now We’re Drowning in It

What happens next once the plastic has ended up in our oceans?

Well, our precious wildlife faces a severe risk from the plastic pollution found on our beaches and in our seas that they make home to every day.

Tens of thousands of whales, birds, seals, and turtles are killed every year from plastic waste in the marine environment, as they often mistake waste such as plastic bags for food, or become entangled in the plastic waste. Plastic gradually breaks down into smaller pieces – microplastics – which eventually enters the food chain. Currently, however, just 8% of the plastic mass in the Pacific garbage patch is microplastics, according to research carried out by The Ocean Cleanup published in the journal Scientific Reports. “But of course what’s going to happen over the next few decades is that all the other 92% of plastic will be turned into microplastics as well,” Boyan Slat says. “So the sooner we get it out, the better.”

A beach is a beautiful place we tend to go to whenever we feel the need to reconnect with nature, and, let’s face it; it’s not the same when it’s all covered with endless mountains of plastic waste.

It’s estimated that 70% of Earth’s oxygen comes from tiny ocean plants – called phytoplankton – that live near the water’s surface and drift with the currents, so we need to take better care of our environment!

Luckily for our planet, some organizations and people have dedicated themselves to reverse humanity’s mistakes

To help tackle the global issue of plastic pollution, Cuddle Earth developed a range of ethical products made from organic or recycled materials which you can get and help support their mission to clean up coastlines and protect precious wildlife by removing garbage and keeping beaches and oceans free from plastic.

Cuddle Earth is an environmental project on a mission to tackle the growing issue of plastic pollution invading coastlines around the world. Cuddle Earth’s mission is to lead the change in the reduction of plastic pollution and the protection of our precious coasts. Not only do they want to help wave goodbye to plastic waste, but they also intend to create a movement of environmental advocates who are passionate about helping to build a sustainable future for us and our wildlife.

Why is it essential that we act now?

One of today’s most significant threats to our environment is plastic waste pollution. Everyday plastic is polluting our seas, spoiling our coastline, invading the habitats of our precious wildlife putting their lives at risk of extinction.

Tens of thousands of whales, birds, seals, and turtles are killed every year from plastic waste in the marine environment, as they often mistake waste such as plastic bags for food or become entangled in plastic packaging. This is down to the 5.25 trillion macro and microplastic pieces floating in the open ocean.

It is essential that we act now to make sure the shocking statistics surrounding plastic pollution don’t get any worse!

How readers can get involved

Let’s create vital awareness around the threat of plastic pollution and the ways we can all help to fight against it.

This is why Cuddle Earth created a range of ethical products that will support the mission in waving goodbye to plastic pollution and protecting our precious wildlife. 

These products have finally launched through a Kickstarter campaign

For every penny spent, 1 gram of litter will be removed from the UK coastline – so literally every penny counts!

Here’s how much litter every product will remove:

  • Standard Sized Seal: 2.5 kilos.
  • Large Seal: 3.5 kilos.
  • Wooden Keyring: ½ kilo.
  • LIMITED EDITION Wristband: 1 kilo.

What is so special about this project is that you can be part of the change that our environment so desperately needs. This is why Cuddle Earth needs your support to help us all fight against plastic waste!

Click here to show your support and make a difference today. Thank you!