“Creativity is the way I share my soul with the world.” – Brené Brown
Too busy to carve a bit more time for your creative projects? You might have all the best of intentions in the world but other things and commitments keep getting in the way. You would love to be creative but you never seem to find the time.
Perhaps you’ve heard that some creatives get up rather early and do their projects before the rest of their day unfolds. And like myself, you would probably love to become an early bird to do all of that but you keep on hitting the snooze button and can’t get yourself to bed early enough to get up at 6 a.m.
There’s always a way to make time for the things that matter the most to you. FACT.
Kurt Vonnegut once said that practicing any art ― no matter how badly ― makes the soul grow. “So do it,” he wisely advised.
10 Ways to Stay Super Creative in a Busy Life
1. Getting into the mix
I always believed that people-watching could be a great inspiration, especially when you walk down the street or are stuck in an airport (just like yours truly right now being stuck at the airport *rolls eyes*). Conversations overheard on a train could easily feed into your novel, someone else’ bold and exciting fashion statement could prompt your next experiment with your own style; or the picturesque countryside outside the train window could help you dream up your future painting!

2. Superpower Lunch
If you don’t feel like eating much, why not spend your lunch break taking photographs around the nearest park or a block or sitting and sketching, or maybe even drafting your fiction novel? Spend this break doing something that nurtures your soul from inside out.
[bctt tweet=”What the #mind can conceive, the body can #achieve.” username=”havingtime”]
3. Quick Fix
When there’s no time for a creative 1-hour lunch break, take at least 10 minutes to surf through great sites packed with inspiring ideas like Instagram or Pinterest.
Also, I found it helpful to keep tiny inspiring books on the desk when I can open it on a random page, read for a bit, filling the mind with wonder and, often times, fresh perspectives.
For instance, over the years, I found these two books amazingly helpful when it comes to giving my creative mind a boost:
1) The Little Book of Wisdom by Dalai Lama – this seemingly tiny book, you could easily fit in your pocket, is incredibly insightful and teaches wisdom and compassion through various philosophies simply explained. It’s an absolute must-have for anyone climbing up the creativity mountain of self-development.

2) The Art of Creative Thinking by Rod Judkins – this book consists of about 80 short chapters each peppered with a lesson on creativity. What makes the book extra special is the way the author shares stories about creative people and their difficulties, inspirations and methods. Most of his examples are drawn from the Arts – Musicians, Writers, and Artists – so they give a different and incredibly useful perspective to anyone who truly wants more creativity and innovation in their daily lives and business. This book is easy to read and, at the same time, it’s deliciously thought-provoking.

4. Reducing Screen Time
Whenever you wish to check your phone for the 256th time, stop and ask yourself this: would this add value to my life right now?
Do you need that much* of screen time? Think if you could take 45 mins out of your evening’s social media surfing or Netflix viewing to work on your creative project instead 🎨
5. Morning, Sunshine!
I know just how alluring the weekend lie-ins can be, that we look forward to that date with a cozy brushed cotton duvet all week long. But once in a while, try setting your alarm clock earlier on a weekend morning so you can get up before everyone else and snatch that quiet time for your creative project. You may be pleasantly surprised when you achieve more than you initially expected.

6. Culture Sponge
There are endless things to learn or seek inspiration from amazing artists. So go ahead and visit an art gallery or a museum in your nearest city; listen to opera or tune into a radio filled with undying classical music to fill your mind with wonder.
7. Make it Social
If you find joy in spending time with your favorite people and lovely friends, why not start a fun book club or a creative writing group?

8. It’s Always About #HavingTime, isn’t it?
Do you have time to create a business and a life you truly love? Do you have time to go ahead and pursue your dreams breaking free from the nine to five shackles? Can you make enough money to support yourself from your creativity, or could you cut down on household costs so maybe you can work fewer hours and have more time to dedicate to your real love?
9. Meditation Practice
I used to have this weird on-and-off again relationship with meditation. But when the stresses of a busy life became somewhat unbearable and the mind was always on and frazzled, I had to do something about it, fast. That’s when I turned to Mindfulness Meditation which became one of the acquired welcome habits.

Spend 10 to 20 minutes focusing on your breathing and allowing the flow of thoughts just come and go without overwhelming your mind.This could be your mental break from getting you unblocked.
10. Become a Professional #Dreamcatcher!
Some of the most astonishing things of all times came to their creators/authors fully formed in their dreams; so keep a notebook by your bedside to write down/sketch any inspiring idea that materializes in your imagination whilst you are visiting the land of Nod. Become a professional dreamcatcher!
“Psychologists have now come to a similar conclusion. According to a recent study out of New Zealand, engaging in creative activities contributes to an “upward spiral” of positive emotions, psychological well-being, and feelings of “flourishing” in life.
This isn’t just good news for people who work in creative fields. Anyone who finds time for creative hobbies and side projects like writing in a journal, sketching, crafting or playing the ukulele is likely to experience the same effect.”