10 Ways to Improve Your Mood

how to improve mood

Always try to be joyful and proactively benign to the people. By doing so every day, people have no control at all over my mood. ― Toba Beta

Every now and then we might find ourselves in a lousy mood.  We jump up high and down low on a roller coaster of those mood swings. Whatever the reason may be, it’s not a great idea to stay hostage by such a dreadful emotional state. If you have found yourself in a lousy mood right now and you wish to repair it try one of these mood-boosting tips.

10 Ways to Improve Your Mood

1. Under Control

To improve your mind frame, start with the basics of emotional self-control. Learn to let go of the grudges before it destroys you.

We have to learn to let go of the things that happened in the past. When we release heaviness we realize that we didn’t have to walk so long with those burdensome things.

forgive quotes
By forgiving, you’re getting rid of anger and vengeful feelings. Let go and move on. De-clutter your mind and keep it under control – clean and tidy.

2. Humour Genius Takes It Easy

One wise person told me that when you go along with a humorous attitude, life itself becomes more fun.
For what it’s worth, life itself is ironic, isn’t it?  Some great memories from our past can make us cry, whereas “bad” ones can make us laugh unstoppably. Whatever heavy situation you might be facing right now or in the future, remember one thing: this too will pass…

3. Move it… Move it… Move it

motivation quote

What’s the use of sitting and alienating yourself from the entire world? Get out there more. Meet up with friends.
There’s not a chance of keeping up a lousy mood in a good company of people you like.

EMOTION CREATED BY A MOTION. And so when we want to shake off those cobwebbed states of mind we must take action.

4. NEW and Positive

Introduce something positive into your daily life. The feeling of new is a fresh feeling of change that can already improve your mood. Think about where to start fresh? Watch a new movie, read a new book.

Amongst my friends am well known for rearranging the furniture and de-cluttering the house. It costs nothing, yet the joyful and refreshing feeling of a NEW atmosphere is priceless. Try it and then let me know if it worked for you.

happiness is a choice

5. Learning to Relax

There’s nothing more natural than to being relaxed and at peace. The problem with that thought, some find themselves disconnected from that ability. Now we spend tons of money buying books on meditation to regain that natural calm state of our mind. Don’t we all want to learn how to relax?

Whenever I want to dial my mind and improve my mood I turn on some calm, meditative music. In most cases, I usually light up some candles with aroma sticks. And no matter how fast the train of my thoughts might be, for a while it will take a break. It will unwind and relax before jumping back into analyzing EVERYTHING.

6. Sail away… swim away

Water helps when it comes to unwinding. Swim in the ocean, swim in the sea, lake or a river. If none of that is close to you, a swimming pool is a great alternative.
Whenever I go to a swimming pool or do other fun water activities (sauna, jacuzzi etc.) I feel happier afterwards. A feeling as if the water took it all out replacing everything with freshness.

7. Mind De-cluttering Habit

It’s important to stop, rewind and reflect on your thought process. We are what we thinking about. Learn putting things in order in your mind. Some thoughts might get stale so enrich your mind with new ideas and books. Books are an endless universe of knowledge to seek inspiration from. Read more to expand the ocean of your knowledge. 

8. Our Favourite Attitude Should be Gratitude…

Now, let’s slow down for a minute and reflect on the things we are grateful for our life? What are YOU GRATEFUL for?

When we start counting our blessings it skyrockets our mood. Everything is alright and will get better if we keep up that gratitude mind frame every day.

9. Vision and Action

Look at your perspectives differently. In other words, what seems to be impossible today, you might find it a lot easier to achieve tomorrow. There’s always a way out of any situation. Turn the negatives into positives and take a fresh look at the things in your life. Try to change the way you see things for the better.

it's not what you look at that matters

10. The Good Stuff

Think about the good stuff. When you feel a bit down try to recall some funny stories that happened in your life. Think about those funny still frames from those good old days. Think about positive people you look up to. Think about all the good things right that instance.

Whenever I feel a bit down, I tend to revisit this amazing video filled with cuteness, happiness, and fun. Maybe it can bring you some smiles too!

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