10 Simple Habits to Improve Self-Esteem


Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your handbrake on. – Maxwell Maltz

There are tons of articles out there claiming capability to change your life for the better, but the truth is that it’s completely up to you. Or not. Let me paraphrase that. In order to change anything in your life, you need to look up for your old limiting habits first. Yes, that’s right. Let me suggest you the ones I found helpful in my own self-esteem improvement.

self-esteem quote

Habits to Improve Self-Esteem:

1. Decide & Do it Instantly

If you decided to go and try bungee jumping then go and do it as fast as you can before the voice of the second thought tells you what you can or cannot do.

A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided. – Tony Robbins

2. New things to learn every day!

Make it a habit! Choose a subject and learn something new everyday step by step. From fun facts that you can share with your friends to the art of making woolen pictures… Whatever you are into – don’t delay it – learn it now.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.Β – Mahatma Gandhi

never give up quote

3. Make sure you get it right.

If you are not sure about a subject – just ask for an explanation. Yes, I know, there are plenty of people out there who wouldn’t mind to rub it in your face that you don’t know something that may be obvious to them. So what?! Take a look at point 2 and get on with it. Clarify. Learn newΒ things no matter what others might think. You learn you develop yourself as a person – that’s the only thing that matters.

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.Β – Paulo Coelho

interesting life

4. Shape it up!

Ever wanted to try street dance, step, Bikram yoga or any other fun active stuff? Do it now. You know better than me – a healthy body possesses a healthy soul. Beautiful reflection in the mirror is another self-esteem booster that we cannot deny.

Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. – John F. Kennedy

motivation quote

5. Walk with style

If you are not happy with your current style – change it. It’s a simple thing to do and is even a boost to the artistic part of your soul.

Fashions fade, style is eternal.Β – Yves Saint Laurent

In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. – Coco Chanel

change quotes

6. The power of a smile

Smile more often and stop being so hard on yourself and others around you! Shake the grumpiness away! It will never give you any self-esteem kick whatsoever. I promise. So again – be happy and smile as often as you possibly can 24/7.

Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.- Mother Teresa

life is better when you are laughing

7. STOP comparing

Compare quote

Or should I say NEVER compare yourself to anybody else? Yes, that is a hard pill to swallow but the only comparison that can be allowed to take place is the one where you compare yourself of today to yourself of yesterday!

When you stop comparing what is right here and now with what you wish were, you can begin to enjoy what is.- Cheri Huber

8. Not Guilty

As an example, if your friend blames you for breaking that old lamp on purpose – do not justify or look for lame reasons why you broke it. Tell the truth. You hated that lamp and it was time for it to go for good. Guilty look full of excuses for a justified act makes it unjustified.

“Guilt has very quick ears to an accusation. – Henry Fielding

forgive quotes

9. Ideally NOT idealistic

There are no ideal and perfect things or people in this world so stop feeling bad about it. Forget what you did wrong and focus on what to do right in the future, or now! Be friendly to yourself and others and remember – no one is perfect.

Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.- Mark Twain

you are the sky

10. Take initiative

motivation quote

Compare the overall number of times you say “Yes” and “No” to new experiences in your life. Analyze that number. Make a decision to change your life for the better by saying “Yes” more often.

Time is neutral and does not change things. With courage and initiative, leaders change things. – Jesse Jackson

Initiative is doing the right things without being told.- Elbert Hubbard


Photo by Irene Palyha Β