Dreams Come True: How I Met Amazing Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert eat pray love

I’m choosing happiness over suffering, I know I am. I’m making space for the unknown future to fill up my life with yet-to-come surprises. – Elizabeth Gilbert

Yesterday one of my biggest dreams came true! I got lucky to meet magnificent Elizabeth Gilbert the author of world-wide famous ”Eat, Pray, Love”, “The Signature of All Things” and more of her beautiful and inspirational books. Liz gave a speech at the Wilton’s Music Hall in London on Sunday 27 April 2014. 

So as I rolled out of bed early this morning I still couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact, that I was left with an amazing present – a signed book by my favorite author of all times (and trust me, I read a lot :)!

I admired Liz for years, and I believe that she is one of the most loving souls that is full of light and keeps shining throughout the pages of the books of hers that we read.
Liz keeps inspiring more people every day, every hour and every minute… as they flip the pages of her books falling deeply into wisdom, simple inspiration, life lessons, humble
 humor, thoughts and stories that she so lovingly shares with us. 

Elizabeth Gilbert Eat Pray Love

When you read books you love – it gives you a feeling of what the author might be like, what it is that inspired them to share the story and what is driving their passion… You begin to understand what their thoughts are filled with and how their light touch of artistry influences your thoughts, life, and reality.

Bottom line, I created an image of a person I thought Liz Gilbert might be… but oh my word when I got to see her, to talk to her, and to share a couple of laughs, I realized that she is so much greater than I could have imagined. Her light and friendly smile, her sincere compliments to each and single person she met that evening – it all created a feeling that Liz believes that no-person-is-a-stranger and I admire that!

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With much love and gratitude, I share this happiness with you all.

To me, as a young writer, this TED talk was particularly inspirational. I was discouraged from pursuing my writing career as my parents saw me fit in banking & financial industry, they saw me as an aspiring mathematician, anyone, but a writer… and writing is what truly makes me happy. Many years passed and I still hear sometimes my parents’ voices in my head laughing while reading my short stories and the book that I’ve written at the age of 15.

Now I know for sure that if something makes you happy and fulfilled – by all means, do that. Surround yourself with things and people that inspire you. Wake up every morning and start creating things you wish existed. Open up your gift basket of hidden talents and share it with the world just like Liz Gilbert does. Follow your dreams, stay humble, be happy!

Shine out your love and light!

Elizabeth Gilbert Lesya Li

Thank you, Liz, for sharing your love, your wisdom, and endless inspiration! I feel forever grateful and cannot wait until I meet you again. Good luck on your journey.

With much love and gratitude,
