How to Maintain a Healthy Diet When You Travel

A vacation is a perfect time to relax and enjoy discovering new cities, countries, and cuisines. However, what is important to remember is to maintain healthy eating habits along the way. Here are six simple tips for maintaining a healthy diet when you travel around the world.

How to Maintain a Healthy Diet When You Travel

Avoid Splurging

Many people including myself make the mistake of splurging because they are on a vacation, like a Mediterranean cruise vacation, for instance, and they want to enjoy themselves. If you really want something that isn’t healthy, just have a bite or two, don’t eat the whole thing. Just a few bites will satisfy the craving, and you won’t totally blow your healthy diet.

If you allow yourself to splurge too much while you are on vacation, you might find it excruciatingly difficult to get back on track of eating healthy again once you get back home.

Customize Your Food 

While on vacation, try to customize your food as much as you can.

If something isn’t healthy, try to change it up a bit to make it healthier.

For example, order a dish without the sauce, or you can ask that certain food items be grilled instead of fried.

The key is to look at what food is available, and then to figure out ways to make it a little bit healthier.

NEVER be afraid to speak up at a restaurant.

Most places will have no problem customizing your order for you. After all, you are paying for the meal.

Visit a Grocery Store or a Local Market 

YES, it is extra challenging to maintain a healthy diet while you travel. Yes, your options may be limited, and you may feel even forced to eat unhealthy food. BUT, by visiting a grocery store or a local market in town, you can solve this pretty quickly.

Find a store close to your hotel, and then go there to purchase healthy options.

It’s also a good idea to keep healthy snacks in your hotel room. This way you will always have an option for something healthy to eat.

Healthy and affordable options include things like raisins, granola bars, and fresh fruit.

Allow For Some Indulgence (just a little bit!)

Of course, you don’t want to limit yourself the entire time. So please allow for some indulgence.

Have a small treat every other day.

While you may want to eat healthy the entire time, it just might be that realistic.

By giving in just a bit, it will make it easier to eat healthy for the rest of the time.

Fill Up On Water

If you are feeling hungry, there’s a good chance that you are actually just thirsty.

Before you get something to eat, drink some water. You might find that any cravings you had – now diminished.

Even if you are still hungry, you might eat less since there’s less room in your stomach. Filling up on water is a great way to eat fewer calories, and it will also allow you to stay hydrated.

Consider Getting Accommodations That Will Allow You To Cook

If you can control what’s in your food, it’s easier to eat healthily. This is why you should consider getting accommodations that will allow you to cook.

Some hotels will have rooms that have kitchens in them. You also might be able to find a house or apartment to rent. Just make sure that you stock up on healthy ingredients, and you should allow for enough time to actually cook. It might not be realistic to cook every meal. However, you should be able to cook at least one or two meals a day.

Please, for your own sake, try to avoid junk food during your vacation. By utilizing the above tips, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle along the way. Just remember that making poor choices and splurging now will lead to weight gain that you will have to deal with later on.

photo source: pexels + giphy 

READ NEXT: How to Eat Healthy While You Are Traveling

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