Love life… sometimes we all wish for a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to relationships, especially when difficulties arise from time to time. We are different, we come from all walks of life… and we all build our relationships differently. Nothing is identical. But it was my observation lately that there is one thing that probably can help us all in creating amazing love life. – Lesya Li
10 Lessons I’ve Learned to Create an Amazing Love Life
1. Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love…but don’t put your life on hold waiting for love. – Mandy Hale
Being single isn’t something to be ashamed of. While there were times that I got so sick of people saying “But you are such a wonderful girl, why are you still single?” that I wanted to scream, I came to realize that being single was just what I needed at that time. I was not ready for the kind of powerful love that I so craved. Just because I didn’t have a partner didn’t mean that I was any less wonderful and amazing and the same goes for each of you reading this! – Lyn Delmastro

2. Life is short… Spend it with people who make you feel cherished and loved.
Once you start saying NO to other people (to whom you were “always” available) in order to prioritize the self-care and working on your personal or professional goals, those same people will not understand it and they will start behaving as you are betraying them. Have in mind that people who really care for you will want to support you to become the best version of yourself and encourage you to take care of yourself. – Danijela Jokic Vaislay

3. No matter how old you both get, never stop holding hands, never stop dancing, and never stop saying “I love you.”
We all go through turbulent seasons and fierce storms in life that seek to strip us of all optimism. However, I’ve learned that our circumstances don’t need to define us or hold us hostage.
And although I don’t know what the future will bring, I know we persevere through those times filled with endless doubt and pain, clenching to those words of faith and believing that life will get better.
In the meantime, I remain grateful for that critical reminder that hangs in my bedroom, “forever and always, no matter what.” – Daphne Greer

4. I loved you when I saw you today and I loved you always but I never saw you before…

5. Our interactions with one another reflect a dance between love and fear.
By now you have likely heard that communication is the key to a healthy relationship but sometimes people are confused on what should and should not be communicated. The truth is, as scary as it may be, there are few exceptions for what you should let fall by the wayside. When you are honest about your feelings in a non-threatening manner, communication becomes a back and forth moment of equality. And it must constantly be practiced! – Daniel Giers

6. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. – Buddha
So, what is self-love? Simply put it’s about loving the “I” in “I love you.” When we usually think of the phrase “I love you” we are thinking about loving someone else. This means accepting them for who they are, sticking by them through good times and bad, encouraging them in their life pursuits, celebrating their healthy choices, and being a constant companion and ally. Sounds nice, huh? But what about actually providing this to your very self, as well? – Kerry S. Campbell

7.How beautiful it is to find someone who asks for nothing but your company.

8. Beauty captures the attention. Personality captures the heart
Some people think that relationship is something that can be easily put on “standby” while they are focusing on something else. However, the relationship is much like a campfire. If you put it on “pause” the fire and the warmth and all the good things about it will eventually die out. Only love and affection and our ability to share and pour our time into that “relationship fire” can assure its survival. – Lesya Li

9. No one you love is ever truly lost… – Ernest Hemingway

10. Fall in love when you are ready, not when you are lonely
Don’t rush into relationships just because all of your friends around are getting married, having kids and so on. You don’t have to follow their lead. Do what is right for you in the present moment. If you want to change – change. – Lesya Li