What does lack of communication do to a relationship? How can we communicate better? Have you ever found it difficult to talk about your feelings with the person that you love? Does your partner withdraw or run in the opposite direction when it comes to talking about your feelings? If so, then the good news is that according to recent research, speaking about your feelings may not be the only or even the best way for couples to stay healthy and connected. We’ve put together some of the best communication tips that will improve emotional communication within your relationship and deepen your connection with each other.
#1. Make Small Talk
You might think that making small talk about the weather or a TV show that you’ve been watching isn’t conducive to making a strong emotional connection with your partner, but the truth is that these supposedly small and insignificant details can help to improve your emotional ties to your partner, according to psychologists.
In fact, the mundane and often fleeting everyday moments that you share with your partner can have a greater impact on your life together than the apparently emotionally meaningful and deep conversations that you have.

All of the small details that you share can help you learn more about your partner and their life, helping you to grow closer together.
#2. Listen Carefully
Knowing that you are being heard and that your feelings and words are valid is absolutely essential to feeling connected to one another.
Using active listening with your partner is a great way to improve your communication skills and showing your partner that you truly care and understand what is being said. This is a form of listening in which you not only acknowledge that you are listening, but also that you understand what you are hearing – this could be shown through simple actions such as nodding your head, saying ‘uh-huh’, or smiling.
Active listening doesn’t have to be reserved only for deep, emotional conversations – you can use it when your partner is telling you about their day, or anything else.
#3. Improve your Sex Life
Improving your connection in the bedroom is important for feeling more connected outside of it, and it will draw you closer together in all the other aspects of your life. Couples who feel connected during sex and satisfied sexually by their partner are usually more likely to feel satisfied, cared for and listened to in other aspects of their relationships.
It’s important that you are able to be honest with your partner about what you would like in the bedroom, and vice versa.
Encourage your partner to speak to you more about their likes and dislikes sexually and let them know that you’re listening to what they have to say.
You may also find it helpful to look for new ways to spice up your sex life and inject some new excitement into your relationship; this could be with a new toy like a g-spot vibrator or by trying new positions or having sex in an unusual place.
#4. Make Time to Talk and Listen:
Whilst talking about the insignificant things, listening actively and improving your sex life can all help to improve the overall communication between you and your partner, there’s always going to be times when the more emotional, deep conversations need to be had.
Make time to both talk with and listen to your partner when these situations arise; setting aside time for the purpose will make it easier for both of you to be fully engaged with the conversation.
When it comes to improving communication with your partner, it’s not always about having deep and emotional conversations. In fact, the everyday interactions you share can be even more important.
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