Falling in love is the most beautiful experience. You have a spring in your step, a song on your lips, and butterflies in your stomach. However, staying in love may be quite a different feeling as emotions gradually get altered and you starting to understand that it’s time to manage your expectations a bit better. But how?
Quite often, we have high standards of love and romance stuck in our head thanks to the influence media in the form of romcoms and chick flicks. All the Mills and Boons novels that have elevated our expectations have never prepared us for the questions that we encounter in real life. To get a better idea of what real relationships are and could be like, check out the relationship advice column of a magazine or your local newspaper or get help from online advisors! The fact remains that people are wired differently, and hence when it comes to relationships, the reality of love may be quite different from our expectations.
Here is just a quick and gentle reminder that life does not go according to plans but in the end of it all – love will always be worth it! Here are a few funny, but true, expectations vs. reality when it comes to relationships:
Asking Out
So you’ve been getting to know this amazing person, and you have received all the hints that they may have an interest in you. They casually ask you to meet you someplace, and you have a feeling that you are going to get a majestic proposal asking you to go out with them. Excited much?
Quite likely, this is how it will pan out:
Handling Rejection
Sometimes, asking someone out may not work flawlessly. But that does not mean that a rejection has to be harsh or brutal. You would think that you would take rejection gracefully and that would reflect your true character.
However, this is what it may look like:
First Date
Regular dates are the best way to keep the spark alive in your relationship. The first date is a milestone that lights this flame. It is a reflection of what your stable relationship will look like and is a stepping stone towards something magical.
Both of you would definitely make an effort, here’s how:
So you must have understood by now that no relationship is “perfect” and disagreements are bound to crop up. So naturally, you would have a ready plan for taking care of arguments, right?
Check how it differs:
Cute Texts
Communication is the cornerstone that lays the foundation of any healthy relationship. We humans have evolved from the times of yore when lovers sent long letters professing the sincerity of their love. The current generation has compressed love in fewer characters, but the emotion has remained unchanged. What is a relationship if it does not have the cute texts that can make you smile?
Which of the following is more relatable for you?